Management Liability

Offering Directors and Officers protection from third-party claims.
Offering two different types of cover, our commercial team will analyse your risks based on your business activities and will advise you on the most accurate solution for your requirements, ensuring that you are clear about the level of exposure and the cover you need.
Directors and Officers Insurance
This type of cover provides protection for the personal liability and assets of individual Directors or senior decision makers.
Cover is provided against a wide range of potential legal actions which they may face personally. Dispute areas can include: actions from other shareholders against individual Directors, tax issues, problems in the field of Health & Safety, employment, and discrimination. It can also cover Legal Liability for such matters as: breach of trust, breach of duty, breach of contract, neglect and omission or misstatement.
Employment Practices Liability Insurance
This insurance type provides protection for an employer against claims made by employees, former employees or potential employees. It covers: discrimination, wrongful termination of employment, and sexual harassment. Employment Practices Liability should be considered as soon as you start to hire employees.
Other Professional Risk Policies also offered by us include: Fidelity, Public Offering of Securities, Tax Investigations, and Legal Expenses.
Corporate Liability/Entity Defence
The introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 has put a spot light on Corporate Legal Liability Insurance. If you own a company or run a business, Corporate Legal Liability Insurance is vital. This type of cover protects a company from claims made for wrongful acts, which includes: libel, slander, trespass, pollution, breach of Data Protection Act, taxation and breach of contract. A Corporate Liability Insurance policy will cover the cost of your defence and other legal fees brought against your business.
​You policy will also cover the costs of Relations Crisis Management and investigations.