September 2021
Turner Rawlinson is delighted to announce the promotion of Barry Langford to the position of PMI specialist. Barry takes on this role in addition to his existing day-to-day duties as Account Executive. This sees Barry continuing to manage renewals, enquiries, quotations and mid-term adjustments for commercial clients, as well as now spearheading Turner Rawlinson’s new initiative, which involves the reintroduction of PMI (Private Medical Insurance) for SMEs. With the NHS under unprecedented strain and waiting lists at an all-time high, Turner Rawlinson wanted to offer a product that supported SME’s and felt, in the current climate, that PMI would be a well-received and timely benefit for businesses to offer employees. Barry comments: “We are all very proud of our NHS but, as a result of the pandemic, the reality is now longer waiting times, lack of choice and limited treatments, and more people than ever are looking to private health insurance to ensure speedy treatment. As well as providing an important benefit for SME’s to offer their employees, helping to attract and retain key members of staff, PMI also helps to ensure a healthy workforce. With the full impact of the pandemic on employees’ mental now becoming apparent, it also provides a means of employees to provide help for staff’s mental wellbeing.” He continues: “We felt the time was right to offer PMI, rather than see our clients approach other brokers for this insurance, and we are providing an excellent product, arranged through market-leading providers, Aviva, Vitality and AXA Health. With the flexibility to meet client’s individual requirements, we can provide a bespoke plan that typically covers the cost of accessing diagnosis, along with treatment for eligible conditions in a private ward or hospital, with a choice of specialist. Moving forward, I am confident that our SME clients will increasingly use us for this insurance and that those who don’t yet have it in place will come to understand the benefits it provides, both personally and for their staff.” Having over 14 years’ experience in the insurance industry, with strong interpersonal skills and sound professional expertise in the commercial arena, Barry is thriving on the challenge of his new responsibilities and the new business opportunities it presents. His loyal and longstanding client base is already reaping the benefits of his new specialism and he is enjoying dovetailing PMI with their existing SME insurance requirements. Describing himself as energetic, friendly and hardworking, Barry has always enjoyed getting to know the varied nature of clients’ businesses and trades. Now, he is particularly keen on taking Turner Rawlinson’s offering to a new level, ensuring SME’s reap the benefits of tailored, flexible PMI. To discuss Private Medical Insurance for your workforce, please don’t hesitate to call Barry Langford on 020 8450 5336 or email: enquiries@turnerrawlinson.co.uk