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Data keeping drivers safe on the road by getting to know their good and bad habits

July 2018

Serious motor incidents involving HGV drivers always make the headlines, whilst a company car driver who carries out a motoring misdemeanour that negatively affects other road users can bring instant shame on the company name. A few years ago, preventing eventualities like this, which could conceivably have been avoided, would have seemed an impossibility in many cases. In the new digital age however, there are solutions that can help mitigate such risk. There are now many tools that are adding value by analysing driver behaviour on the road, checking licences and the number of points accumulated, noting the severity and type of offence and logging types of incident in which drivers had previously been involved. Such tools can tell the fleet manager when a pool vehicle was reassigned and to whom, but also, crucially conduct a driver analysis, using a series of inter-locking scores covering various different areas of safety on the road. This generates a ‘risk factor’ for each individual driver, highlighting the areas in which a driver needs to be trained, or have their awareness of road safety enhanced. Then, to complete the process, it will intelligently suggest what sort of help a driver requires, be that the completion of e-learning modules, a safe driving course, additional coaching, or a behavioural workshop. Getting to know drivers in this way, with the assistance of advanced software, can literally be a life-saver. It can reduce both the danger posed by individual drivers within a fleet each time they take to the road and the possibilities of reputational damage. It can potentially also avoid the company incurring heavy fines or criminal prosecution for not having mitigated the risk posed by drivers. Some software systems can also help pinpoint situations on the road, which could lead to further angst back at the depot. As authorities seek to make the roads a safer place, regulations are becoming more punitive, with the latest being the new on-the-spot fines for driving tired, which can result in an instant fine of £1500, for five offences of this nature. Now, inspectors can not only fine a driver for one breach on the day they carry out a check, but issue fines for any other such breaches in the previous 28 days. Up to five offences, leading to a £300 fine for each one, can see a driver having to pay £1500 there and then, or have their vehicle immobilised. Being able to track instances of flouting the law when it comes to driver breaks is just one area with which intelligent software can assist, but there may be many other advantages for you and your fleet. To discuss the options when it comes to fleet risk management just get in touch with us. We will guide you through the different systems that can help your drivers stay safe behind the wheel, keeping the public, and your business and its reputation, safeguarded at the same time.


020 8450 5336

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