February 2020 The ongoing viability of any business should never be taken for granted. There is a myriad of different risks that can seriously damage business, even take a company down, if exposures are not managed sensibly. We have identified three key and emerging risks that face the plastics and manufacturing industries:
Bad debt With insolvency rates continuing to climb, it’s out of your control how your counter parties perform. However, there are checks you can put in place, to limit your exposure to companies with bad debts. Ask yourself the following questions: Do you credit check and insure your customers and suppliers? Do you have a robust credit control procedure that continually monitors the performance of businesses owing your money? Does the risk of bad debt restrict the credit you extend? Do you want to sell into new markets? How do you manage your cashflow? Turner Rawlinson can advise on any of these issues, helping to improve your existing facilities and processes, and limiting your potentially dangerous exposure to such risks.
Hacking and computer crime You need to be aware of the ever-increasing risk of cyberattack. As technology becomes ever more integrated within our everyday lives, so the opportunities grow for hackers to exploit our vulnerabilities. If you think this won’t happen to you, you’re wrong! If you choose to do nothing, despite being aware of the risk, it will only be a matter of time before you lose money. Even large manufacturers have been caught out. Last year, a cyberattack cost Norsk Hydro a staggering £45m* Turner Rawlinson has an in-depth understanding of the risks that cyber threat poses the plastics and manufacturing sector and offers flexible and comprehensive Cyber Liability, protecting your business in the event of cyberattack. Directors and officer’s liability In today’s regulatory environment, company directors face an unparalleled level of personal responsibility. In the UK, you may be held personally liable for offences committed by others in your business, including bribery, corruption and fraud; trade and antitrust matters; environmental law; health and safety; tax; international sanctions; money laundering; financial reporting requirements; and GDPR. You could face fines and even prison if found guilty. Turner Rawlinson has a number of clients in the plastics and manufacturing industry and understand the risks only too well, enabling us to advise you and help you avoid these risks by having adequate liability insurance in place.
A simple solution With a first class understanding of the plastics and manufacturing sector, Turner Rawlinson can provide tailored and niche insurance protecting your business against any potential risks and exposures.
Find out more information on: plastics manufacturing insurance. We are specialists in Trade Credit insurance for all sizes of business and can arrange bespoke cover protecting your largest unsecured asset, your accounts receivables, while credit checking new and existing clients.
We also provide comprehensive insurance against cyberattack, for information on cyberprotection, please visit our cyber liability page.
Turner Rawlinson is a member of Willis Towers Watson Networks, the preferred insurance partner of British Plastics Federation (BPF), committed to meeting the complete insurance requirements of BPF members.